
Сообщения за февраль, 2020

Best Voice Search SEO Strategies

When you type a query into Google, you receive a lot of results sorted by their relevance, and it's only your choice to open this or that website. That's not how voice search works. In this case, the answer to your query is automatically pulled from the featured snippet, which is a special box that sits above all other search results and contains a concise, direct answer to the user’s query. While normal search results are selected based on ranking factors such as domain age, keywords, content length, page loading speed, image optimization, content recency, link quality, grammar and spelling, and hundreds of others, the featured snippet is selected chiefly based on its ability to completely answer the user’s query. Businesses that embrace voice search marketing and optimize their website content can skip straight to the first place in search results, earning them guaranteed visitors who most likely won’t bother checking other sites. If you're wondering how to optimize...

Education Marketing Strategies

Education marketing is a type of marketing that promote svaluable educational content and helps institutions and people take advantage of it. Educational content varies from courses to books and software. The education sector has been experiencing a massive boom thanks to the numerous opportunities created by the internet and modern technologies. Education marketing’s purpose is to implement various marketing strategies to promote valuable educational content. And it is often the only way for new educational content to reach students and gain traction. Best education marketing strategies in 2020: 1. Use social media platform to connect with your audience. If you provide engaging content, you can establish meaningful connections with your target audience regardless of which social media platform you choose. 2. Include digital advertising in your marketing budget. Some of the most commonly used digital advertising channels in 2020 include search engine advertising, social m...